Review: Raven takes a Pearl (Fantasies in Color #2) by Sharon Lynn Fisher

Synopsis: Second novelette in the Fantasies in Color series by RWA RITA-nominated author Sharon Lynn Fisher ...


Pearl knows it was Raven who stole her mama's heart -- a beautiful quartz stone given to her by Pearl's father right before he died. She sets off alone to the crow-man's keep determined to bring back the stone, but she's caught by a servant and taken to the tower. The dark-winged ruler of the keep isn't at all what she imagined, and he isn't about to let Pearl go before unlocking all her mysteries -- mysteries she never dreamed her body possessed.


Available at: Amazon / Aerbook



***Disclaimer: I received a free copy in exchange for a review.***

Steampunk and erotica- two of my favorite things to read. :)

Wasn't sure what to expect from this one, so I decided to step out of my zone a bit. BDSM really isn't my thing, but the story is engaging and a quick, easy read. It's mostly an awakening tale as Pearl's sexuality emerges once she encounters The Raven and his servants and once the door is open...

Wanted to see a little more about the world itself and some of the other characters, plus it ended a bit abruptly, but I liked it. Made me kinda wonder where the author could take it if fleshed out more.